Naked Appeal to Capitalism

No not that kind of naked.   However, 

I’m a disenfranchised transgender writer, poet, and artist. I pour my soul into everything I do but I’ve got mountains of legal & health care needs.  It would be super awesome if you would consider looking at or supporting any of my work

Games work content goes up Mondays irregularly at the Dreaming Gynoid studio blog  and on Thursdays twice monthly (minimum) on my Patreon

You can buy my games stuff in digital from the  Dreaming Gynoid storefront

Maenadum  verse and poetics are available here for gratis although even the smallest donations would be greatly appreciated.  Unless you just hate it I guess. 

Paypal me

Buy me a coffee 

You can also support me on my Ko-fi page – I can take short or simple commissions (writing, modeling, light  proofreading,*simple* custom videos) easily there after some negotiation. Right now my plate is pretty full though.  Generally I would rather work for my supper than be given something. 

But waving money around gets my attention and  _can_ rapdily clear my schedule, just sayin'

My linkstree (careful it's a jungle in there) 

You can contact me here directly by email ( or PM me on twitter (@dreaminggynoid)  to discuss any of the above. 

I don’t have Instagram or most of those things but my personal page on the hateful blue place is here

Thank you so much for reading all this!  Take care of yourself and stay fierce. 



Well trod garden paths

Capsule Review - Trans Dimensional Beings

Tears from Google (This is an actual update. I know, panic.)