Try writing prose fiction barefoot


So if you are trying to write prose fiction and you are having problems, be it from lack of practice, newness, or having let your skill set lapse from decades of disuse; regardless of why you are having the problem, I have a simple piece of advice for you.  Take off your shoes.

And your socks. 

You need to be barefoot.

Now, try wring your prose fiction barefoot.

It works wonders.



Okay good. I have now dispensed a single – but vital – piece of hard earned wisdom.  That means I can prattle at you about whatever for the rest of this essay. Haha!


Oh don’t look at me, I’m in this weird middle place where I am super auto minimalism, telling the very least amount to get the story across.  It’s another of my weak areas and I’m trying to build that up.  About two years ago I looked at poetry and free verse, the “thing I’m worst at” and now I’m more published as a poet or lyricsist than I am as anything else.  

Writing is like any art, like falling in love, like raising kids – it’s make-it-up-as-you-go land and the advice of other people will only ever very seldom be actually useful. Most of the time it’s a distraction or a contrivance, or worse.

But the cultivation of wisdom is good.  Though only time and experience will tell you what works.  Bruce Lee said Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it.

This holds true in writing, in photography, in life, in … everything.   It is one of those very few things (for me) that someone else said that I find unequivocally absolutely true.

Did you have to work for it?  Then it’s wisdom. If you can look it up its intelligence.  Old fashioned western democracy’s definition of intelligence anyway, which does leave things out (emotional intelligence or empathy is far more important to human survival than the ability to put things in space, and I say this as someone who has been nuts about space as far back as she can remember).


For me it’s not a matter of figuring out what I want or need to say. It’s realizeing that I *need* to communicate a thing at all, then working out if / how to do it.  That takes training.  My brain is resistant to such indoctrination. It wishes to be free at all times.  Your body is really the only thing that can truly be said to be your possession however.   A body is the sole property and provenance of the soul which inhabits it.   So I do what I have to to make my brain cooperate.  There is no shame in doing what is needed to make the rain come, no matter how silly, how stupid, or how embarrassing. If it helps the words come, DO THAT THING.

If anyone give you grief over it, ditch them, cut them out of your life, or dial them back to a dull roar but realize they know nothing, at least nothing about what you need.

Most of us once we get going don’t need and simply will not take direction. When I’m going on something, be it a piece of verse, a book, an essay, or a short story, the only enemy I have is distractions and interruptions.  Once I’m there I’m good.  I may not eat or take very good care of scheduled things so I have taken steps to accommodate for that.

The hidden challenge then is knowing when to stop. I’m still working on that.   Sometimes it’s obvious and clear when a work is done.  Other times…less so.  I try for the least editorial ship on anything I’ve written in the white blaze of creativity, where only the divine may get my attention and that channel is occupied by one or more musae; but when I do edit, I am savage.   Find what I’m trying to say and make it better. Clearer.  More …it,-er.  Flesh the purest form of the thing inside it out and then clear away the dead wood. 


Look I’ve gotten mired for literal years on one project just on this step. Respect it

 After that, we travel to metaphorically, where I live. That place where the real challenge is trying to find the right way, presentation or medium to show it in

 Once it’s done though the same challenge repeats itself in a new form.  You have the Entire Sea of Human Information floating at your electronic fingertips.

Now, find just one of the small number of places that are interested in what you have to sell them. 

Good luck.

In the meantime, Is anyone looking for adult flash fiction?  Asking for a friend who looks exactly like me.













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