.....it's a soundtrack

 Since about 1994 or so almost everything I write has gotten what I'll call a secret soundtrack album;  a combination of what's in my head when I'm writing the thing but also what was playing in the brackgrround anyway as I find that often is influential, or at least enough to interesting. Most of the time they do not survive very long. 

Since starting on my first few Dreaming Gynoid studio books (this is my other writing gig, link takes you there) though I've thought it interesting to include them as freebies for my releases.  To the point that I now deliberately try to make good on point playlists for each release.

I am a 22nd century multimedia ho with 21st century skills with analog equipment okay?  

It doesn't really work for verse and poetry, for obvious reasons. However, sometime earlier this year I broke through whatever block I've had (for .. over ten years let's just leave it at that) with regard to writing prose fiction.  

And since that block is no longer there limiting me omg I've written a lot. 

AT this point yes I'm pretty much giving at least the side eye to all media I have not yet invaded.  The Maenad would be a dandy choice for the Queen of All Media. 


So I'm back on a bunch of playlists but this is not what I'm talking about - I think for the novella I'm working on I am going to just fucking Get an Actual Soundtrack. 

And I even have a plan.   A good one.   (Well, rough sketch. Plans are doomed to failure.  Rough sketeches will always succeed where a plan will not. Says the woman who presses "wing-it" on literally every fucking thing she does.  I sail by my own mad compass thank you!) 

This sill be pretty funny when no one buys the fucking thing won't it?  Yes yes it will. But it should be entertaining to watch the very determined train wreck yes? 


Well trod garden paths

Capsule Review - Trans Dimensional Beings

Tears from Google (This is an actual update. I know, panic.)