Maenadum Volume 2 number one.


The kind of expected  Gwen honey, you have no business editing anyone’s work, we’ve seen yours” email/visit from the mobn  still hasn’t arrived, so here we are    (These are jokes, there is not some secret Editor’s guild with trained assassins or anything. That a I know of. )

 A few points that are going to need clarifying

1.       While I myself do live in the shadow of the Emerald City,  coastal Washington US, that is not the sum total  of things.  Maenadum welcomes contributions from anywhere on earth. However, regrettably Maenadum can only read in English at the present time.   This is going to be a digital publication for the foreseeable.

2.      While I would love to take it to  it’s natural position as a pointless use for dead trees, for now we shall remain in the realm of the electric.

3.      As this is an impoverished anarch0feminist joint functioning under capitalism, we are regrettably unable to pay contributors in form  other than love, support, encouragement, pitiful attempts at morale and camaraderie, and probably endless  reposts of your work on twitter.


W   In the interim I have a bunch of infrastructure and junk to set up. I will pro'lly revise the prospectus a few billion times this month.   I mean honestly. 

 Message from Comrade Gwen

"We do not acknowledge the existence or know anything about the whereabouts of the Trans Liberation Army or related TLA. "

I have no idea what to do with all these fucking berets


Well trod garden paths

Capsule Review - Trans Dimensional Beings

Tears from Google (This is an actual update. I know, panic.)