Works in Progress, Maenadum reboot, and other matters

                 Works in Progress


  • Project MSG – has been discussed at some length. It’s a mess and I’m light years away from trying to find a buyer for it.  
  •  Putting the finishing touches on a short form, tightly themed micro chapbook titled the Family Vine.   I … am not sure what to do with it.   As (almost) always, I write the thing, and then I look for a  home for it.   TI’s been a while since I’ve done this consistently with longer works but so far so good.
  •  Prose fiction!  Longer even.  This is something that I have – almost involuntarily – been scribbling away at on and off since….maybe January?   Having found some one that not only might take it but IS LOOKING FOR THIS VERY THING  I’m …Well, it started as a revision….Also, it was not supposed to become a novella but it’s giving me that wink.   Still, I do wonder if there is really a place for High Pulp Hyperviolent trans lesbian space porn n 2021?  I would _like_ to think so. But anything that soaks up blocks of time required for a story of length (hah) needs, sadly, to have a better than even chance at fetching dosh and or publication.
  • Also sit nervously and try to think positive thoughts about the two three chaps I have out in the world right now.   This is made worse by the fact that I would *really* like them (each) to be pub’d by these specific publishers.  So…yeah I do set myself up for disappointment don’t I?
  • Oh, and I’m 99%  likely to be trying to relaunch Maenadum in the new year.   Because I hate free time.

AS of September 23, I will be seeking submissions of poetry, art, photography, creative nonfiction, short fiction, and media / political essays (especially) from trans, neuro divergent, and mentally “ill” people but will be happy to publish the work of any oppressed people anywhere, provided you can get it to me, and I can read it.   If you aren’t sure if this includes you, send us a pitch anyway.

Functionally this is a reboot - In essence totally rebooting the ting as a real attempt at some kind of publication.  Ultimately would like to make it more as I wanted the second issue to be; almost  a slick, with lot so graphical elements.  As usual I am reaching beyond my skill set but this is the only way I know to learn things.   

There should be a proper announcement in the next day or two, as I’m still pondering things like infrastructure.

In the meantime, I am debating the idea of making it a themed issue but I’m not sure that is something I want to commit to yet. Esp. not for what amounts to the first issue. I’m not even sure anyone wants this besides me, but I won’t know if I don’t try.  Given my one-woman constraints would have to remain relatively ‘zine like in nature I’m not sure if such a platform is redundant or even something anyone but me wants but I can’t get rid of the thought that I should be trying again with that. 

Full disclosure time

I really do have a pretty full plate and my spoons are pretty optioned out. With this they are going to be spent.    I mention this not to generate sympathy, but top indicate that while this _will_ be challenging for me, worry not.  Challenge is what keeps me interested, even on bad days.   Having said that, I have not seriously edited anyone else’s work since Uni and that was………a long time ago. Aside from some proofing gigs I’ve grabbed now and then the only work I’ve edited in years is my own.

(And she who edits her own work is not precisely editing. Not in the same sense.  And that is the most charitable thing I can say about that.)

This is, however, the only part of this endeavor I’m apprehensive about.


Well trod garden paths

Capsule Review - Trans Dimensional Beings

Tears from Google (This is an actual update. I know, panic.)