Stupid cool ideas

 Stupid cool ideas

New Gods – a Trans Bodies Calendar / picture book


 A what?  they said.  

This I said. 

/Now that I have your attention.  

 Another of my naff ideas that will go to peat without outside involvement.  But no way am I going to even _attempt_ to describe a thing of such nuance on bloody twitter. 

I have a notion as to who I might pitch this to but for the moment I just need to get the idea down and, well, assess any even vague interest.   Also ...if someone else is already doing this, I'm more than happy to signal boos them, and would rather not step on the toes of an existing project such as this. 


A photo essay in long form.

Volunteers are asked to fill out a questionnaire and from that 3-9 shots are taken, with consent from the volunteer/models. 

 Each is presented as their own chapter.  The first will be a dressed (presenting however) picture – with accompanying, relevant, data

How they identify

What their status is (closeted, pre transition, non-transition, all trans people will be allowed, not just people on hormones who are out)

Their name or alias if they are comfortable

Important Considerations

Some models will be presented without headshots on request to preserve anonymity. 

Consent and full communication will be a MUST with this project, EVERYONE must be on the same page or this is not going to work

-         This most definitely includes those working on it as well as those working for it as it were.  More so tbh.  Anyone on the production end of things would need to be comfortable with fairly radical transparency.   

-         Anyone who does not with to work with anyone else…won’t.  Full stop. 


This IS NOT a sexual work.  Individuals can be sexy (or anything else AFAIC) in their responses and shots iif they wish but that is not NOT NOT  the thrust of the work

 What is the thrust of the work?

To show a trans bodies spectrum, both to smash stereotypes and to show that we are a diverse bunch; not in a clinical way but revelatory.  This is a celebration and hopefully at least a tiny act of liberation.  So if it need be said this is a work where those differences are celebrated not shamed.


As each volunteer model must be completely on board with this and totally comfortable, it is important that their wishes as to how to interpret the project directives be respected where possible.  


Despite the non-sexual nature of the work, if someone wants to pose with an erection (for example)  that’s fine.  We would need to draw up a letter of agreement for each shoot I think to give full air-tightness to consent and managed expectations.  - as well as  a double redundancy if we do have problems.   Contrariwise, If someone wants to wear something in their nude shot esp. if it makes them more comfortable then let it happen.  “Naked” is the goal not “exposed,”  “revealed, not exploited.”  

The idea for the (hypothetical) production team would be to set the basics up, get the ball rolling and then conduct each interview to shoot process as it's own self contained mini project and not complete til everyone involved is okay with the end result.

But in the long run the idea is that once we got it going,  the (IDEAL) would be that production takes down what our volunteer models want to do, we figure out how to do that, or some reasonable agreed upon compromise and go from there. But in all ways we the production team would be the facilitators for their ideas, comfort, and self expression.  

Again Liberating.   

Important project Goals 

  • Embracing that we all look very different 
  • Embracing ourselves
  • Our bodies our physicality
  • Who we are
  • Embracing where we are at in our journey
  • Embracing our journeys
  • Embracing that wherever we are at in any of these places we are okay
  • We are good, we are valuable
  • Purposeful DE stigmatization of trans bodies
  • And destruction of the idea that all trans bodies look a particular way
  • Mostly as a tremendous and hopefully empowering act of self-love for everyone involved

Perhaps there will be more on this later.  For now I have WiP to finish. 


Well trod garden paths

Capsule Review - Trans Dimensional Beings

Tears from Google (This is an actual update. I know, panic.)