A quick note

 which is as much for my own mental health (important) as because I believe in transparency (also but somewhat less important), and in particular because I want to do my part to normalize talking about this (well this and so many other things) openly. 

I am recovering pretty well at this point from a really serous bout of major depression; it was and is of a largely external and situationally exerted nature, which .. stacked poorly with my own bipolarness.  If you do not struggle with either let me assure you it is entirely possible to be depressed while experiencing a man+ episode.  It is .. .a thing. 

A reminder that I am still, in many ways, working out my own language for a lot of this stuff.   Thank you for bearing with me.  

I made a post here in the bleakest of it but did not publish.  I am considering pushing it, with perhaps this as an introduction, but .. it''s really bare and I am not sure I am totally comfortable with baring that much of myself so directly;  (It odes not present me in a VERY POSITIVIE LIGHT AT ALL)  but on the other hand I generally do best when I push that envelope both personally and professionally. 

For me, always the only way forward is Through,   (Maenad yes but I am also a 6;3" Amazon.  I am of a hardy breed)  so I may yet release Sargasso. 

  Stay strong friends and siblings, we all have a long road yet to go. 

                                                            Most sincerely 

The Maenad


Well trod garden paths

Capsule Review - Trans Dimensional Beings

Tears from Google (This is an actual update. I know, panic.)