Dance, Shout, Sing

 I suppose I might try to revise this into something approaching...good but likely not.  Some times you just have to express something to get it out of your system

Sometimes you just have to rub one out. :)   Yes I _can_ bring anything down to the level of dirt and shit.  That's fine. Dirt and shit are sacred things too. 

Dance, Shout, Sing

I don’t believe in an afterlife, or souls, or magic or gods.


I chose this body, this physical form, this fleshly experience

To endure

To understand

To experience

Defiance under Oppression

And it is glorious


I got what I paid for

This is the experience I wanted

This is the game I am here to play.

If there is anything else

Beyond this life

Then there must be things that bring

These higher forms back and back again

If this is a game for reincarnating gods then maybe

it’s all okay. 


If this suffering is only temporary but amusement eternal

Then I shall endure such a just cosmos

But always seek to dive

For what I have not yet known

Rapturous experience.


This is what I mean when I say freedom

This is what I mean when I am free.

Free to choose such entanglement

In the mud, in the dirt,

The grime and grit of this fundament

Play in the weeds

And shout with pain, victory, loss, and purest glee


Well trod garden paths

Capsule Review - Trans Dimensional Beings

Tears from Google (This is an actual update. I know, panic.)