omg Corporeal

 I do not believe I have properly danced in circles and made it abundantly clear in these here parts how absoposlutely fuggin Happy to be part of this compelling , hard-hitting body of work, 

Now  I run from the pun police


A brief note about the pieces.  
Firstly let me thank everyone @corpreallitmag for the very existence of the project in the first place, for taking my work and for treating it with so much love and effort and respect.   
I have been very blessed  as I close out my first real  year of this by so many incredible high profile publishers and publications (as I see them) that have opted to take a chance on my loud maddened words. 
To the matter at hand. 

2021 has been a strange time for me.  After many years of struggle suddenly I found myself amidt lots of people that actually wanted my work - while also dealing with the usual (bipolar "disorder," PTSD,  capitalism, poverty, games work, sex work) day to day  this year I got the double bill of dealing iwith getting older, and what  exactly the fuck that means to me as transgender woman (I turn 50 in the Spring); also this year dealing with the direct consequences of having no health care or functional identity or legal existence while contending with a tumor suddenly revealed to exist in your own face.   
I could, at some length, analyze these in greater depth but as always I prefer to let my words speak for themselves and  let all of you argue about them. 

I was feeling fierce - @corporealitmag handed me a bullhorn.   Great thanks and all the love to 
 @katharine_blair and 
@LuccaHermes (who made this exquisite graphic!!!) 

PLEASE mind the content warnings behind the link,  thank you. 
For those who have not seen it, my pieces are here https:/The Maenad


Well trod garden paths

Capsule Review - Trans Dimensional Beings

Tears from Google (This is an actual update. I know, panic.)