"Let go of all that binds you, Your god will always find you."


You would think I had subtitled it The Picture of Gwendolyn Red or something with all the reluctance the Ishtar Cycle seems to have garnered.     (I’ll let you decide if that’s an apt metaphor or not; now accepting gifts of your lifeforce, essential essence, chi, divine breath, etc)

Make no mistake,  it bites.  Though I think – most likely – you will appreciate having been bitten.  Maaaaybe after a period of burning.  Ha, see your doctor if that doesn’t go away after a couple of hours.

It has however been a VERY effective Pruddishness detector, if the seven+ people (at last count) that have arbitrarily blocked my twitter feed since this dropped a few weeks back are any indication (and they are).  While is is not precisely a need being unmet in my life, perhaps I can monetize this blocking tech and send it after datamining bots?

There are still lingering print copies of the Ishtar Cycle left so grab yours while you can an support both a struggling trans creator and the small queer indie press that took a chance on her po' ass.  Click on the link above to go to the Lupercalia press store link.  Thanks! 




Well trod garden paths

Capsule Review - Trans Dimensional Beings

Tears from Google (This is an actual update. I know, panic.)