Letters to Dead People 2 - Another Saying Good-bye

 I wrote this for TDoR last year. I make no great claims to it's quality as a piece of work but this was not about that.  - M.

Another Saying Good-bye (Dauun)

I had a dream about you

You’re mostly the product of my head now you see

Two weeks and out

Thirty years of ambiguity

I saw a little what if

An imagined visitation

Had you broken the curve like me

And made it past goddam 33.

Not what I  - or you maybe

Expected but never rejected.

Very Norwegian power dyke. 

Nice, but you. 

First memories, last. 

All speak to the power, screaming,

of what could have been and maybe


could still be

In some kind of real

Alternate world capacity. 

 I dream not of the bad times now, or all the bad things

Also, not just on what could not be

But instead – I dream only of you now, just out of bed

Having somehow gotten better from being dead

And stopped by for coffee, to see what things bring

I am over you ghost bitch

Thank you dear for...


And walking,  waiting,  and wailing with me until I see.

 I finally got your name right.

Miss you sassy bitch.

Maybe I will see you when we are all again dreams



Well trod garden paths

Capsule Review - Trans Dimensional Beings

Tears from Google (This is an actual update. I know, panic.)