Letters to Dead People 3- Necrophobia is Zero

Necrophobia is zero 

Water, the arena, the medium,  

through which you reach through to the other

Wasting away in some hot Atlanta outlier

Too weak to stand

Can’t leave the house anymore

Why did I not reach out to you more?


Fear to stand

Stupid toxic dumbass fear

‘my love is toxic’ you said and so it seemed


How many people do I know who died from HIV?

Why so cruel memory?  

A life so quickly wasted and wasted and then now gone

Who else remembers?

Who else could see?


This is fear is what has happened to me

I hope however this is not

My only source of empathy

For you my friend, gone long beyond the sea

Boil me in oil your name is lost to me 

I’ll bet you run a mean game

Of Changeling: the Reckoning

This is the last of the Letters to Dead People this week though _maybe_ there will be more, just not this week.   This week is always a bit rough for me and moreso since The Powers That Be have opted to turn this into Trans Awareness week or something. 

Speaking of, SUPPORT A STRUGGLING QUEER TRANS ARTIST by buying my first chapbook.   The Ishtar Cycle is a loud and angry defiance against all this death and repression.  Spiritual praxis and declaration of war and very very very filthy.    

I suppose if that bothers you this place is maybe not for you but if it matters leaning (I think) more toward the Anais Nin-Henry Miller axis of filth rather than Bukowski, though by even mentioning Bukowski a legion of fuckboys will descend on this place shortly. 


Well trod garden paths

Capsule Review - Trans Dimensional Beings

Tears from Google (This is an actual update. I know, panic.)