Letters to Dead People

Letters to Dead People - is pretty self explanatory. All of these are old, composed sometime last year or before.   Most of them wound up in my Bergman sub, which was largely ass,  and so needs to stay confined to a file cabinet.  Most but not all.  

September to November is always the time the many ghosts I have accumulated seem the loudest, for various reasons.   These past few years it seems they have spoken louder than the living. 

I'm having a really hard time writing _anything_ right now so this is as much a one foot in front of the other / get to the next screen thing as anything else.     All of these are a good bit more primitive than what I've been doing lately so it seems weird to share them but .. whatever.   I'm thumbing my nose at the uncaring universe just by posting this. 

There will be at least two others in this series this week. I may just post them all today rather than ride the anxiety rails and (probably) forget to actually hit post tomorrow and subsequent days.    

Ghost Talker’s Blues

The Ghosts are needful

And need to be addressed

So, they will leave you alone for a time

An orgy of memory and pain

To sift through and gain bits of wisdom

Kernels of corn and stale cheese

Helping out or just brain legacy

These are the voices of the dead who live in me

Let them speak, let their memory live


Well trod garden paths

Capsule Review - Trans Dimensional Beings

Tears from Google (This is an actual update. I know, panic.)