Perhaps justice comes with indigestion? Karly Throws a Dinner Party
Karliah Keeps Inviting Problematic Guests to Her Queer Dinner Parties
I know, I shouldn’t,
Sometimes though I will
Just invite the problem children.
TERFs are easy, I take their hands. Those Hands always saying “shh” & “Hush” while placing themselves firmly over your mouth, Forever.
What timorous knowledge is knitted deep in those finger bones? A soup? A stew? CRUMPETS
Consumption brings knowledge. And I must know this terrible thing.
SWERFs are harder, they sit on your hands, whisper lies, pretend to be what they are not, make demands.
I already take hands.
Tis only appropriate then, I take their glands
I swear
I have swole two cup sizes
Since I started eating the brainchildren
Of Gloria Steinem
I will burn your bra while I fry and eat your sclera.
It was that or slices from your typically bony behinds.
A feast on the beach at sunset
A rump roast, hands and half a body’s glands, shish kebab
Perhaps it is not in the preparation
Or the marinating of souls
But only in unlocking the pain inside,
Spiritual trepanation of
Those thick slow boomer skulls.
The air everywhere is thick with such likes
But I cannot light them a fire
Without setting the world into a nepenthe blaze
Instead, I can only eat you, your heart, your brain
Interrogate your flesh, your cells, your rotting meat
SWERF tartar, well prepared. Now .. what do you mean?
You have all eternity now to swim inside of me, digested
And tell me ‘what I really mean’
Burps and farts those,
Hot air and stanky gasses.
Heartburn, there was no time
to separate the tails from the chassis
I am going to crack your skull open and suck out the inside
A messy girl child, eating souls at red lobster
Bon Appetit,
Karliah Sin
A queer trans sex worker, and cannibal. Only a little bit a vampire.
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