Sapphire Rain (from Red Planet Spring 2021)

So apparently Red Planet magazine is gone.  While I know they closed their doors, now their twitter feed, their website, everything.  *snert*

Well, nonetheless, here is the piece I had in what turned out to be their last issue back in Spring of this year.   IF anyone out there managed to grab a screen shot of my actual piece LMK pretty please?   I seem to have lost the folder with all of that in it. :( 

Sapphire Rain


Wake me up my littlest pod-pea

Stir me from this waking artificial dream of

alien minds not wrapped in writhing,

hungry vines but instead

trapped in strange idle binds.

Bodies that do not swim or hover

but drown and lumber, they sneeze not shudder

in their thin atmospheres where,

hiding in their homes, they fear

the sound of the coming, palid thunder.

On savage warming planets where the natives

Suck the marrow from their cradled

Infants. Living amidst ruined days,

supping soup of their

bones and doling out mediocrity.

Split this sense-pod and free me to rejoin the real me

And be with our strange family,

Amidst a familiar canopy of

purple and blue silent alien trees.


Or sadly, is this the world that is really

 inside of me and this place,

this hardened bole, is this the waking dream?

I pray for chartreuse and sapphire rain



Well trod garden paths

Capsule Review - Trans Dimensional Beings

Tears from Google (This is an actual update. I know, panic.)