Some typically bourgeoisie bullshit on black Friday

 This shit pisses me off SO goddam much

Entry fees  XXXXXX one poem. XXXX  for each additional poem. XXX  for five poems.
A maximum of five poems per single entry. But you can enter as many times as you like.

 (Emphasis most definitely mine;  actual fees removed to hide the identity of this bourgeois asshole pub) 


Opportunities but never the same opportunities, nor as many.  We’re not pay to play but hey if you can afford to send us dozens….. Good thing all us po’ folk are uneducated illiterate morons then huh?   

By the way, fuck you, 

a quite annoyed working class Goddess 


Well trod garden paths

Capsule Review - Trans Dimensional Beings

That rarest of things here, a link post - The Shame of Discussing Childhood Abuse for Queer People and Sex Workers

Do you have a story about accessing sexual, reproductive, or gender affirming health care?