
It’s no secret that I am not fond of this day.  (Honestly for most of the last decade I’d just as soon a skipped over November – December and jumped right to January after Halloween but I am sadly in the minority on this.)  Pigskin tribalism aside, I do have things to be thankful for

Living on a planet that is life bearing despite our best efforts to change that

Living in a time when there are people trying to change things even if I don’t think we any of us do near enough

The possession of my senses, my self, my imagination, and my endless ability to pick things apart. 

I am thankful for the sense and sensibilities I have as pertains to freedom and the benefits and responsibilities thereunto.

I am thankful for the clear heart.  I have struggled so hard to find this.  

I am thankful for the many opportunities I have been shown this year.

I am thankful for the handful of people who have published my work. You have my eternal gratitude, all of you.

I am endlessly thankful for everyone who has ever actually supported my work.  Bless you.

I am thankful for he use of this body even though it is NOT the one I ordered. I have grown to love and cherish this vessel that once I hated enough to seek it’s destruction.   I am thankful for all of the teacher and examples, no matter how hard they hurt, that got me to this place.

I am thankful for my own insane will and stubborn persistence.  And I thank myself, for no one else did this for me.

My heart is especially filled with gratitude for those who have stuck with me this year – a LOT of people have shown their true colours this year, and not always for the best.   But thank you for still being here.

But I have the deepest gratitude for the small handful of you that are not just returning to us in 2021 but have stayed the course regardless of how dark it has been, especially these past six long long years. I do not actually have words for how much I value the small number of you. 

Finally I want to, in my way, thank everyone who has ever lied to, cheated, disregarded, or hurt me – you have only ever made me stronger. 

To everyone else out there, and especially those of you struggling, my thoughts are with you today. 

The Maenad


Well trod garden paths

Capsule Review - Trans Dimensional Beings

Tears from Google (This is an actual update. I know, panic.)