Pulling behind the veil of mental illness - World Bipolar Day 2022

Meant to post this yesterday on World Bipolar Day but that was not to be.

Very seldom do you see someone's bipolarness in combination with everything else (some of us) have going on. The world is not very kind to us and sharing details like this is greatly stigmatized and feared by a lot of us.
Knowledge banishes fear so here goes.
On some level I feel and deal with all of this shit, everyday and that's on a good day.
Over the decades, many _many_ people I know have and have had lists/arrangements that make this look like under the tree at White Ghetto Christmas.
Be kind. What you don't see may define another's existence.


Well trod garden paths

Tears from Google (This is an actual update. I know, panic.)

Capsule Review - Trans Dimensional Beings