Things that get lost, forgotten, or deliberately obscured in the abortion debate

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Things that get lost, forgotten, or deliberately obscured in the abortion debate

 Firstly, the issue is not abortion. It is bodily autonomy for all.   That means people with uteruses yes, but also ‘disabled’ people, trans people, all of whom have equal or greater issues with rights to bodily autonomy than just abortion.  Abortion IS important but it is NOT the only facet of the struggle nor the only important one.

 Secondly, this is a personal one.  AS a trans woman I have NEVER enjoyed the degree of bodily autonomy other (mostly white) women enjoyed under Roe v. Wade.  (No, not before transition either oh stupid person who didn’t think that throughFood for thought.

 Thirdly, are you aware that people receiving disabled benefits are likely to lose those benefits if they commit the sacrilege of getting married. Because you know that vaunted marriage contract that I’m supposed to care about so much apparently can Cure The Sick, Heal the Injured, and Transform The Bodies Of All.  Magically.  And that is only the tip of the iceberg.  Compared to Jane CisHet Typically bodied White Woman those with social, mental, and physical Disabilities, including those with significantly different body challenges from the rest of us (which can include people on the spectrum and frequently does) get treated like actual animals, dehumanized, ignored, have the most pitiful of legal protections I have ever fucking seen in this country – It’s enraging that this is not just allowed to continue but in many parts of the country and elsewhere in the world it’s the gold standard.

 It is still legal to electroshock people on the spectrum if they are “acting out” defined as, for example, resisting being electrocuted.  There’s A LOT more but that should be enough to prove my point. If it isn't let me strap you down to my electric chair.  I think you're being unruly. 

 Among the most drastically affected are the mentally ill (not every time but much of the time; anyone who has been even briefly institutionalized knows) and the homeless worst of all because functionally we are are expendable in the system.  Treated not even as animals but as garbage.  Everywhere in this country. Universally.  Shut up no exceptions.  

 All girls and women, beyond the abortion issue, who are regularly subjected to controls affecting what we can and cannot wear.    Body autonomy issues are a millionfold in Amerikkka’s  institutional sexism and racism.  Disproportionately this affects BIPoC women, and this goes far and away  beyond just letting people have their natural hair (but do it already!) Racism and specifically the exploitative erasure of Indigenous, and black communities and civilizations, the targeted criminalization of being a person of color, are foundations of what make up this country. 

Racism, Sexism, Money. ‘Merica.

 Anyone who knows the truth of Walking while black, Walking while Latinx, or Walking while Trans knows that bodily autonomy is reserved for the white cishet Jesus fearing (but never loving) dipshits who want to dial the clock back to about 1760

 So this is not just about abortion.  And to hell with those who, on both sides of the alleged political divide benefit and prosper by making it just about abortion.

 What DOES it take to call a Constitutional Convention y'all?  







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