
Showing posts from August, 2022

Freedom means freedom to drift and change (life updates, some changes of status, and ruminating on highly personal matters)

(Maenad's note:  This is more of a traditional blog post and, tbh, doesn't have shit to do with my writing.  So if that is your only interest you can safely ignore this.  Thanks!  Potential employers, this gets hella personal so don't read if you can't keep things distinct, umkay?  I did however mean what I said abotut being an open book.   Proceed at caution okay?)   Weird facts about my recovery from surgery …and my recovery from the   the people that I have  wasted the best years of my life [1] on.   ( Fuck them with a rusty spork covered in shit and dew.)   1.         I no longer drink coffee every day. I do drink coffee, and while I technically can pro’lly start drinking it ‘normally’ I am now in the habit of having it every few days and cold over ice.    I do not see a reason to change this for the foreseeable  2.        I have (...

PsYCHOPOMPS AND CIRCUMSTANCEs - a ruminating meditation

PsYCHOPOMPS AND CIRCUMSTANCEs   Late summer is a fine time for livin’ and dying Why is always this time of year that you take them away from me Goddess? Fall is time for souls’a reaping Grim, Jo, Mase, Jay, what the fuck is so appealing about Dying this time of year note to insert some trite harvesting bit, p encil it in for   July through October Now presenting the MATRICULATING DEAD OF 2022….. Or has this August just claimed another forlorn victim, lost in the storm and taken by force? Did your stray thoughts do this? Did those words ever come back? No. Stray thoughts should stay ghoulish forever And mindful, A warning Take back not what you say for It is Not unirrevocable And your actions are paid for. Your words are eternal, This bill following to the grave.   There are no delays, when the Ship leaves port, All bills are paid. No debts. No taking away. Done and away I can’t believe it I’m still angry with you ( W...