(Review) Metaphysical Dog by Frank Bidart

Metaphysical DogMetaphysical Dog by Frank Bidart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What did I think?
I think the library is fine and good but I need to own this book. Metaphysical Dog was my first introduction to Frank Bidart's work and a heady introduction it is. Frank BidartI love the style, the format, the incredible atmosphere - it has moved the bar for this kind of work, much much higher. It's so good that despite a pile of books to be read, I've read it three times instead.
Like, Hunger for the Absolute, Against Rage, For the AIDS dead, On this earth where no secure foothold is, Three Tattoos, As You crave soul....it's impossible to pick a single specific selection from this. It is, or it can be, a very quick read but I urge you to take your time and savour it. Metaphysical Dog is a collection that demands repeat dives and deep study. (There's a notes section at the end which provides some context but in the main, you are entirely on your own. I love that.)
In presentation, Metaphysical Dog is organized into five sections; I find that reading the sections entire but out of order creates an interesting effect; each piece most definitely stands alone but in aggregate the effect is a melange of Frank Bidart's seemingly effortless mastery of the rhythms of the language.
I must find more of his work immediately.
To say more would be spoilers, but moreover, I shall not deprive you of the joy of experiencing this slick, haunting, opium den of a book. Find a copy immediately.

The Maenad

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