An ENORMOUSLY cool thing if you are on Instagram (Flying the Jolly Scarlet Gambling with the Gods)

 If you follow the kithbooks page on Insta, you will be rewarded by the absolutely stunning and just totally spot on reading of my poem, Column E, from Flying the Jolly Scarlet, Gambling with the Gods (Available March 6!  Pre-orders available now!)  as read by Katherine, my editor and chief collaborator on this project.   I think she put the story up late last night or this morning.  I am not *super* familiar with navigating that aspect of Insta tbh but if you are following them it should be right there at the top of your feed.  Maybe one or two back (or more if you're following a bunch of active accounts).    Give it a listen, it's amazing!  

By the way, if you go to the Get in Touch page on the kithbooks website, there is a montage at the bottom of the page that just makes me giddy happy.   


Well trod garden paths

Capsule Review - Trans Dimensional Beings

Tears from Google (This is an actual update. I know, panic.)