That rarest of things here, a link post - The Shame of Discussing Childhood Abuse for Queer People and Sex Workers

Please give this article a solid read.  The blog is a recent discovery and I have been reading it voraciously there is tremendous insight to be found here.

(But then, if people listened to us, and valued our (authentic) voices over 'the familiar,' I think the world would not be in the situation it is today

Content and Trigger Warnings for homophobia, transphobia, trauma, childhood abuse, shame, sex work, and (especially) our currently active culture of transphobia and anti-trans hatred.

"The thing about this sort of propaganda is that even when we know it’s untrue, members of these demographics are still terrified of proving them right. One more individual who has been abused and is gay or trans or a sex worker is not evidence that childhood abuse is the cause, and yet the idea that people will say it is makes us terrified to discuss our own abuse histories openly lest they be used by bigots. This is compounded if our abusers were gay or trans or sex workers themselves, because our abuser is used as evidence that the demographic we belong to is bad and we’re tainted by association on top of the claims they made us the way we are."

 Read it Here


Well trod garden paths

Capsule Review - Trans Dimensional Beings

Tears from Google (This is an actual update. I know, panic.)