Second Rising


The Ishtar Cycle is a tree growing from the roots of my own lived experiences, with ripe, succulent fruit of erotica and defiant trans joi hanging heavily from her branches.

Gleeful, offensive, and unapologetic in describing the Real and the Desired, uncompromising in it’s singular vision; an experiment in high art wrought with the commonest Vulgate.

This, my first chapbook collection of poetry and verse, was published in 2021 by Lupercalia Press; The Ishtar Cycle was edited by Venus Cohen and the beautiful cover and interior art are by Embry Valentino. It is now available direct from me through my patreon.

Content Warnings:  

BDSM, Class Warfare, Drugs, Erotica, Edge Play, Free Love, Mythology, Polyamory, Pornography, Poverty, Religion, Sex, Sacred Sex, Sex Work, Trans Joy, and Trans Liberation

Not appropriate for those who think sex is dirty, that the body is dirty, and those that are more offended by talk of poverty than pornography. Slut shamers will light on fire trying to read this.

Taste of this sweet fruit now

14.00 $

The Ishtar Cycle, on my Patreon


Well trod garden paths

Capsule Review - Trans Dimensional Beings

Tears from Google (This is an actual update. I know, panic.)