The Maenad is raising funds for the first issue of Maenadum

My my games work (DreamingGynoid studio) has its own patreon and of course I’m selling something like 13 ebooks on our page and drive thru rpg.

BUT  nothing like this exists for my (considerable) other writing and art projects. So here we are.  Any funds generated  thusly will go specifically back into my arts and writing.

AT the moment know I am specifically raising funds for the first issue of the rebooted Maenadum.  Other irons in the fire this would be contributing to would include

the Maenad Survival Guide 

Several chapbooks  and a noivella, plus all number of individual poems, essays, short stories, and the like.   

If any of these projects or honestly just my general design ethos and goals appeal to you pl;ease consider supporting my work

Buy the Maenad a Coffee


Well trod garden paths

Capsule Review - Trans Dimensional Beings

Tears from Google (This is an actual update. I know, panic.)