
Showing posts from February, 2022

Tales from Cat 09

  Lick my salty tips Feel the blue suede’s caress Bathing in the scent of Violence and mischief. Misconduct? Unbecoming; Never, no punning quip No punishing whip of Hair or fate nor saving grace. Only your face is safe from My monstrous, beautiful Alien blue tendrils, babe. - the Maenad IG  @scarletmaenadum Twitter  @dreaminggynoid Buy the Maenad a coffee Buy the Ishtar Cycle from Lupercalia press 

being White Women

Middle age Is watching Cabaret Alone with a full magazine of boxed wine. Unafraid and not yet unconscious. There is some humor in the Ishtar Cycle but otherwise I am still dipping my toes in the well of Thalia. Most of my funny stuff goes in Galaxy Black, but this comes from a richer more self-deprecatory mine 😊 If you’re going to be honest, you need to be brutal and relentless in that honesty, not just when it’s convenient or on-brand. IG  @scarletmaenadum Twitter  @dreaminggynoid Buy the Maenad a coffee  Buy the Ishtar Cycle from Lupercalia press   

Damn it feels good to be a free agent

  Your expectations are not my concern. At the end of the day, I come back to this first principle. I can only articulate my own experience; for good or ill this the palimpsest that my work slips through to become comprehensible to you.    I can only describe the reality I experience, the walls I can’t get over and the ones I can, which frequently have – or seem to have – very little overlap with many of you.   So be it. Since I can only describe the contents of my light cone, it’s not going to be unnecessarily bright and cheerful. All of my hope is hard won and hard earned.   It does not come easily or casually.   Often, hope is only arrived at through careful, calculated, mental upkeep and hygiene.   (Neuro hacks IOW) Even when I’m not discussing gender or sex or sex work, it’s all there mentally, all the time. It’s my normal.    Since it is my normal, it is only natural to quilt from it. Telling me not to do these things is bot...

Gatecrasher (2.22.2022)

  Gatecrasher   Sword on the floor, sitting in Your chair, the whore. Taking your kingdom was fun but I want more. Taking your head, a tiresome bore but it has its rewards   Someone had to tear these webs of resentful anxiety Ministers of deception strangled on strings of whisper streams Your eye arrested, captured.   Its last image, the coming of me   Siege the keep, storm the gates, and smash the palaces Slip the leash, let my dogs roam free to do as they please Inside these burning illusions and obvious fallacies   You tried, you failed, to stop me. In your halls, the barbarian roams free

Mind Rays

 This is kind of a warm up I guess in that it happened spontaneously all at once and I have no business or intention of going back to "clean it up" or whatever.   A friend of mine (a really good one actually) said something that just....tremendously pissed me off this morning.  It happens.  This isn't really about that or him, but the anger that it triggered brought a bunch of things I had been feeling into sharp focus and, well, here's the result. This would work well live.   I am flirting with recording this.  IT's simple enough that I might be able to give decent delivery.  No promises, we'll see. 

Welcome to the Maenad's Bone Garden

  -    Socials –     Twitter @dreaminggynoid IG  @scarlet_maenadum     Linkstree   GwenScarlet Booking and Commissions    

Bacchanal Pescatarian

At least per DSM IV I qualify for seven of nine listed anxiety and nine distinct personality & mood disorders. Yes really. You could print out a chart, fire buckshot at it and most of the hits would be accurate. I am what happens when someone fierce is treated this badly this for near of five decades.     You know, I’m here But FUCK YOU I’m full of lovingkindness but honestly I would best express that thought to you in a knife fight   In a world full of sharks be prepared to eat well and dine on big fish.